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Friday, November 25, 2005

Hunting for Trees

You and I went out to the Boughton tree farm today to pick our Christmas tree. Daddy had to work, but we picked it up afterwards. I'm so sad that the Boughton's are closing the farm and you will never experience this with us. Its always been our tradition to go out to the farm and pick our tree there. So it is a little special that you and I are getting to do it just ourselves for the last time. The bumpy ride on the trailer out to the field woke you up and you were kicking all over. Your kicks have gotten much stronger since Wednesday. Your bones are calcifying this week. So taht makes sense. When we went to the doctor after the sonogram, you kept kicking the fetoscope when Dr. Thompson was trying to hear your heart beating and then thump! and another. You were very active the last copule of days. My belly finally had a growth spurt last weekend. I'm really enjoying that its more obvious to others now.