Thank goodness it was only a sprain, but we weren't sure for a bit there. An adult climbed into the inflatable bouncer at a birthday party we were at and Jack slipped in before Pepe could blink. He grabbed his legs, but it was too late. Just then, the guy fell and landed on top of Jack. He complained about his arm and held it and cried and wouldn't move it much. Fortunately, the xrays were clear. We weaned him down from the splint and he seemed just fine after a few days. My 23 month old nephew, on the other hand, was not as lucky. He fractured his elbow just a week after Jack's incident.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
He's okay, he's okay
Thank goodness it was only a sprain, but we weren't sure for a bit there. An adult climbed into the inflatable bouncer at a birthday party we were at and Jack slipped in before Pepe could blink. He grabbed his legs, but it was too late. Just then, the guy fell and landed on top of Jack. He complained about his arm and held it and cried and wouldn't move it much. Fortunately, the xrays were clear. We weaned him down from the splint and he seemed just fine after a few days. My 23 month old nephew, on the other hand, was not as lucky. He fractured his elbow just a week after Jack's incident.
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