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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

8th Week

We're in the 8th week now, at the end of the 2nd month. You are about 1/2-3/4". About the size of a lima bean. Your fingers, toes and facial features are forming. I can nap everyday for 2-3 hours if I have the time, which I rarely do. We have a lot going on this week. I just got home from a long business trip and now they're wanting us to do more overtime, plus I have a huge corporate project that will be reviewed at the end of the week. Our refinance is going on with the house, I'm starting my spanish class and I will have Erikka for two hours. On top of all of this, we're trying to get ready for my birthday party on Saturday. Whew.

We told Nana Coco about you last Sunday, Grandparents Day. She cried and was so excited. Hopefully, she can keep our secret for a week so we can tell everyone at the party. Then we'll go to Great Grandma's for lunch next Sunday to spread the news.

You sure are growing and Mommy's tummy is starting to stretch. My tighter clothes don't fit anymore, especially if I eat, they're so uncomfortable. I bought some clothes this weekend and they're sooo much better!!