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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sweet Little Baby

Hello, sweet little baby growing inside.
I guess we're both along for a ride.
I'm excited... I'm nervous.. I'm filled with joy.
I can't help but wonder if you're a girl or boy.
It's too soon to tell, which is just as well.
I doesn't matter to me whatever you'll be.
Still, I catch myself... wishing I knew
what will you wear, pink or blue?
I am ready for you, either way.
I find myself dreaming what will we play?
Tea parties for a girl, sail boats for a boy.
As soon as I know, I'll buy you a toy.
I can't wait to tell everyone I know,
The wonderful news... should I wait til I show?
Soon you'll see how much I care,
there's so much to do, so much to share!
But first I must thank God above
for sending you, for me... to love!